Well this photo is for Lenore and Colleen in San Carlos! This was our waiter in Cozumel!!! CHA CHA CHA! I think I pick this waiter to win! Beware, I have figured out how to post pictures so they will be endless now. It may only be Wednesday for some but it is my Friday so I sit here with my Smirnoff Ice....slowly weaning our selves off the alcohol. I have tomorrow to post more about Cozumel so cheers everyone and here's to Friday!
Well... everyday is Friday for us! But Lenore still likes Alec (and his smile) better than yours....
Lenore, he's just a pup!
Dear Lord. I suddenly realize where in my genetic code my predisposition for making a fool out of myself aorund hot waiters comes from.
Megan - This is from Ted. Just be careful, if it is genetic, there are many other traits which will reveal themselves in time. Some of which can be scary. Colleen and Lenore both think they should be served! Maybe you should consider a waiter right of the bat!
Your waiter IS cute - but if you ask Al, I think he'd agree that the best waiters can be found a little closer to home - Moxies to be specific(Chad was it?).
Laurel, I had forgotten about that, but thank you. Chad from Moxies gets my vote.
Sorry, Colleen, Sorry Laurel, Sorry Megan.... none of your entries are valid and have been removed from the competition. You require a picture of your waiter AND yourself in the same picture.
Otherwise, you could just take a pic of anything (even of Raymondo) and enter it illegally in the contest.
We are people of the highest integrity.... to think!!!
....and before you trash me, you need a picture to prove your entry. Otherwise it is just like the story that I told Allan which was "I used to go out with Brittney Spears Mom!".
Impossible to verify
Well we may not have a picture but how about third party verification. Ted, Colleen, Matt, Megan, Allan and myself were all there to experience "Chad" first hand. I doubt anyone would dennounce the king!
So now my mission is to find a waiter better looking than Colleen's. Hmmmm, a big job but one I will tackle with energy and commitment. (I know Alec is a bit young but he sure can charm ya!!)
You have been tagged by me. Please read Megan's blog and then mine to find out what you have to do next!
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