Sunday, February 25, 2007

From here to Eternity.....

......Well maybe just to Cozumel! When you have that Travel Bug, and I have it often, just ask Ted. It is hard to stay put, especially when everyone you are related to is in Mexico or has just recently been there. Ok, specifically D&L and R&R! Hope you are all having a whale of a time!
And as for those of us left in the extreme great white north hello!

I just couldn't take it in traffic take a mere hour and thrity minutes to drive 15km. I gave in to the pressures of Mexico and booked Ted and I to Cozumel. Ted believes it is for his 50th birthday.......actually it is but don't you always give people stuff for their Birthday that you would want for your self?

Anyways fellow related bloggers! Hello and write on man, write on!


Snowflake said...

Glad you finally joined the rest of us bloggers. have fun in Cozumel and be sure to keep us updated about life in the great white North!!!

Meg said...

I might just come over. I haven't had roast in a loooong time...

Congrats on joining the blog revolution! It's addictive...and a great place to show off vacation photos!

Laurel said...

Well Megan was successful in converting you too! Welcome. I am glad to hear that you are escaping the "Great White North" for a while.

Senor Ping said...

Mexico is nice.... Cozumel is super. Enjoy the diving....db

Senor Ping said...

EMail us when you get home (which should be pretty soon I think)
